Who I am

I am a crazy busy wife and mom of 5! My youngest is hardcore into rodeo and barrel racing; so we are on the road all of the time, that means early mornings late nights and lots of road food. That and age has taken a toll on my waistline…..fast forward to THRIVE. I’d heard of THRIVE and always wanted to try it, but talked myself out of it. I thought that if I just took some vitamins I’d be fine because I could get my weight back under control. I was so wrong, I had zero energy if I sat down at 7:55 I was asleep in the chair by 8. I placed my first order for THRIVE, and didn’t tell my husband. About my third day on it he asked me what was wrong with me because I wasn’t passing out in the chair at night….it still took me 2 weeks to tell him about THRIVE.

If you’ve been on the fence about THRIVE, let me tell you there’s no better time to try it than now. Take the 8 week challenge, you’ll feel the difference in no time, and the benefits of feeling better keeps you moving wanting to do more things, and believe it or not you want to start eating better! Follow my journey, I call it like I see it the good the bad and the ugly.

Set up your account it’s FREE!

Take the 8 week THRIVE Challenge

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